SSM Health Matters Blog

What you should know about kids and vaping What you should know about kids and vaping

In 2020, nearly 20% of high school students reported to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that they had used an e-cigarette, or “vaped.”

How students learn social and vocations skills through YouTube and streaming platforms How students learn social and vocations skills through YouTube and streaming platforms

YouTube and other streaming platforms can be used as powerful educational tools.

Getting kids back on a schedule as they head back to school Getting kids back on a schedule as they head back to school

As we say goodbye to summer and hello to a new school year, it’s time to help your kids ease back into a routine and regular bedtime.

Enjoy the activities you love minimizing joint pain Enjoy the activities you love minimizing joint pain

It's the perfect season to ride your bike, play pickleball, golf, walk your dog, and enjoy other outdoor family activities.

Importance of annual wellness visits Importance of annual wellness visits

As your kids head back to school, have they had a wellness visit? It’s the best way to make sure they’re up to date on immunizations and provide you an opportunity to bring up any concerns about their health.

Choose nutritious food this back-to-school season Choose nutritious food this back-to-school season

Young bodies need lots of nutrients to support growth, learning, and healthy physical activity. Give your kids the fuel they need to kick-start their brains after three months of vacation.

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